Approval of August 12, 2021, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Theresa Daniel, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the August 12, 2021, minutes contained in Electronic Item 2 will be requested. Background: N/A
Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 3.1. Air Quality Funding Recommendations Related to the Environmental Protection Agency National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program Presenter: Jason Brown, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council approval of funding recommendations for the North Texas Emissions Reduction Project 2020 Call for Projects (CFP) and North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2020 CFP will be requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened three different calls for projects, under three separate Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program awards; Clean Fleets North Texas 2020 CFP, North Texas Emissions Reduction Project 2020 CFP, and North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2020 CFP. These CFPs award grant funds for diesel vehicle or equipment replacement projects and installation of EPA-verified electrified parking spaces and related infrastructure in North Central Texas. The most recent application deadline was July 9, 2021. For those applications received, staff has completed review, quantified emissions, and developed project funding recommendations. This initiative is an extension of clean vehicle efforts listed as Weight-of-Evidence in the current State Implementation Plan. Electronic Item 3.1.1 provides an overview of the calls for projects and staff recommendations. Electronic Item 3.1.2 and Electronic Item 3.1.3 provide detailed project listings. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Air Quality 3.2. Ratification of Emergency Funding Authorization to Dallas Area Rapid Transit for Interim Funding for the Regional Vanpool Program Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Ratification of emergency funding authorization to Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for interim funding for the Regional Vanpool Program until new agreements are fully executed and funding is in place will be requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is currently working to expediate a new agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the continuation of the Regional Vanpool Program, which is administered by DART as a subrecipient of NCTCOG. The agreement process was delayed resulting in a gap in funding for DART’s vanpool program until new agreements are fully executed. NCTCOG anticipates all agreement delays will be resolved within 90 days, but interim funding is needed to continue vanpool service. This service is part of the air quality commitments by the Regional Transportation Council to comply with air quality requirements. Staff requests ratification of emergency funding to DART utilizing Regional Transportation Council Local funds in an amount not to exceed $45,000 to ensure continuation of vanpool services for DART participants. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Transit
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Fiscal Year 2021 Closeout Comments 2. Review of Latest State Requirements for Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Meetings, James Powell, Deputy Counsel for Transportation, NCTCOG 3. Format of Future RTC Meetings Working with RTC Chair Theresa Daniel 4. Follow Up from RTC Member Orientation 5. D2 Light Rail Update/IH 345 Depressed Alignment (Electronic Item 4.1) 6. Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Facility (Electronic Item 4.2) 7. IH 635/IH 35E “Y” Connector Revenue Tracking 8. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant Opportunities (including “Equal Access to the Internet,” Geometric Design for Autonomous Vehicles, Electric Vehicle Charging on the Move, and Next Generation Transit Signal Preemption) Versus Funding Directly to Cities or New Infrastructure Bill 9. RTC Meeting at the Irving Transportation Summit on August 18, 2022 10. North Texas Center for Mobility Technologies Project Tracking (Electronic Item 4.3) 11. Update Regarding August 2021 and November 2021 Revisions to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Statewide TIP (Electronic Item 4.4) 12. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events ( 13. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Annual Fleet Recognition (Electronic Item 4.5) 14. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles ( 15. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 4.6) 16. Status Report on Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding (Electronic Item 4.7) 17. Monthly Know Before You Fly Your Drone Workshops ( 18. August Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 4.8) 19. September Online Input Opportunity Notice (Electronic Item 4.9) 20. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.10) 21. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.11) 22. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.12) 23. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.13)
SH 183 Segment 2 East: Request to the Texas Department of Transportation to Formally Initiate a Change Proposal for Cintra and Request to Cintra to Extend an RTC Financial Backstop for Design Costs Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek approval for a Regional Transportation Council (RTC) request to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to formally initiate a Change Proposal for Cintra on SH 183 Segment 2E and request to Cintra to extend an RTC financial backstop for design costs. Background: Staff has been working to advance SH 183 Segment 2E as the next phase of the North Tarrant Express (NTE). Cintra has an interest in certain capacity improvements to Segment 2E as a changer order under the Comprehensive Development Agreement for the NTE. In June 2020, the RTC approved a $3 million financial backstop to permit Cintra to proceed with the design elements for Segment 2E, pending TxDOT formally issuing a “Request for Change Proposal.” If TxDOT does not issue a Request for Change Proposal by August 31, 2021, the RTC financial backstop will be triggered absent an extension by Cintra. A map and latest financial information for the project is provided in Electronic Item 5. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Safety
2021 Population Estimates and New North Central Texas Council of Governments Demographic Forecast Process Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Kessler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Results of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) 2021 Current Population Estimates will be highlighted as well as ongoing efforts to develop revised 2045 Population and Employment for the Metropolitan Area. Background: NCTCOG annually develops estimates of population by city as of January 1 for each year which are used by local governments and agencies. This data supplements estimates done by the US Census. NCTOG is also currently developing new forecasts of demographic activity out to the year 2045, which will be used to support the ongoing update of Mobility 2045: the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas. A summary of these estimates and forecasts will be provided. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 6. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Comprehensive Map of Projects in the Region and Update on the 2022 Unified Transportation Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information on active and recently completed transportation projects across the region and the latest status of the 2022 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). Background: In response to a request from a Council member, a series of maps that show all active projects in the region, as well as those that have been completed within the past five years, will be presented. An update on the 2022 UTP will also be provided. These maps, along with additional information about resources available to the public for viewing projects throughout the region and the UTP, are available in Electronic 7.1. Electronic 7.2 contains the project listings from the 2022 UTP for the Texas Department of Transportation Dallas, Fort Worth, and Paris (Hunt County) districts. A more detailed update to the 10-Year Plan based on the 2022 UTP listings will be provided at a future meeting. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Metropolitan Transportation Plan: Project Selection Overview and Implications for New Passenger Rail Projects in a Post-COVID-19 Environment Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 20 Presenters: Brendon Wheeler and Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Mobility 2045 was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on June 14, 2018. As part of updating Mobility 2045, staff will provide an overview of the process for projects to be included in the plan, and once selected, the various pathways to funding through prioritization efforts. Background: Following RTC adoption of Mobility 2045, staff and partner agencies have been working toward implementing the plan. These efforts include planning and project development tasks, projects in construction, and coordination with the public and our transportation partners. Federal guidelines require the Dallas-Fort Worth region to update the long-range transportation plan a minimum of every four years. In addition, the Mobility 2045 Update must demonstrate transportation conformity. The updated plan will include a new financial plan and necessary refinements to projects in the current Mobility 2045 plan. Staff will discuss the possible staging of future passenger rail projects as part of the air quality and transportation conformity process. This topic is timely due to upcoming decisions related to the D2 Dallas Area Rapid Transit rail line. Transportation policy officials in the region should consider recent transit ridership trends, recent demographic trends (as discussed in Item 6), new national legislation anticipated by the end of the month, and next generation traffic signal improvements aiding roadway bus operations. During the RTC meeting on July 14, 2021, staff was asked to provide an overview of the plan update process so new members can understand how projects are selected for Mobility 2045. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
US 75 Implementation/Policy Position Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the US 75 corridor implementation and policy position. Background: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in partnership with local jurisdictions and the North Central Texas Council of Governments, has been working to determine an option for the traditional high-occupant vehicle (HOV) lane along the US 75 corridor. TxDOT recently received grant funding to implement a pilot project on the corridor to evaluate the effectiveness of allowing single-occupant vehicles to utilize the HOV lane while providing an incentive to HOVs. The HOV incentive would be provided via the existing GoCarma application that is currently utilized on the TEXpress Lanes. Staff will provide an overview of the project, schedule and policy positions to support this effort. Additional information can be found in Electronic Item 9. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Air Quality, Congestion
Update Regarding Lapsing Federal Funding Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the lapse of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funds in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 and the potential lapse of Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) funds that was discussed with the Council earlier in the year. Background: In April 2021, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) informed the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) that $23,940,109 of CMAQ funding had lapsed at the end of FY2020. At the time, NCTCOG was under the impression that $16 million in carryover funds were available from FY2020 for obligation in FY2021. Staff will brief the Council on discussions that have occurred with TxDOT since that time and implications to the region moving forward. Earlier in the year, TxDOT indicated that $7,095,497 in TASA funds were at risk of lapsing if not obligated by August 31, 2021. Through the efforts of TxDOT and awardees, sufficient funding was obligated to avoid a lapse in FY2021. The risk continues for FY2022, so project tracking efforts will continue. Additional information is available in Electronic Item 10. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
State and Federal Legislative Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Rebekah Hernandez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on State and federal legislative actions related to transportation and air quality issues affecting the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Legislative actions to be covered include the following: • Summary of Approved Bills in the 87th Texas Legislature (Electronic Item 11) • Update on Special Session of the Texas Legislature • Federal Infrastructure Bill Update Background: This item will allow staff to provide updates on key positions of the Regional Transportation Council. The regular session of the 87th Texas Legislature concluded on May 31, 2021, and was followed by two special legislative sessions called by the Governor. The 117th US Congress convened on January 3, 2021, and continues to make progress on an infrastructure bill. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
12. Status Report on Electric Vehicles and National Drive Electric Week Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Lori Clark, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the status of the electric vehicle (EV) industry, as well as adoption in North Texas. Upcoming National Drive Electric Week (NDEW) events will also be highlighted. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) continues to encourage EV adoption as a strategy to improve local air quality by reducing transportation system emissions. As the industry matures, availability and adoption of this technology continues to grow in both the passenger vehicle and heavy-duty sectors. Staff has also begun planning National Drive Electric Week activities, including both in-person and virtual opportunities for consumers and fleets to learn more about current options. NDEW is between September 25- October 3, 2021. Additional details are available in Electronic Item 12. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: 15 Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council.
Approval of August 12, 2021, Minutes Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Theresa Daniel, RTC Chair Item Summary: Approval of the August 12, 2021, minutes contained in Electronic Item 2 will be requested. Background: N/A
Consent Agenda Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 3.1. Air Quality Funding Recommendations Related to the Environmental Protection Agency National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program Presenter: Jason Brown, NCTCOG Item Summary: Regional Transportation Council approval of funding recommendations for the North Texas Emissions Reduction Project 2020 Call for Projects (CFP) and North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2020 CFP will be requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) opened three different calls for projects, under three separate Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program awards; Clean Fleets North Texas 2020 CFP, North Texas Emissions Reduction Project 2020 CFP, and North Texas Freight Terminal Electrification 2020 CFP. These CFPs award grant funds for diesel vehicle or equipment replacement projects and installation of EPA-verified electrified parking spaces and related infrastructure in North Central Texas. The most recent application deadline was July 9, 2021. For those applications received, staff has completed review, quantified emissions, and developed project funding recommendations. This initiative is an extension of clean vehicle efforts listed as Weight-of-Evidence in the current State Implementation Plan. Electronic Item 3.1.1 provides an overview of the calls for projects and staff recommendations. Electronic Item 3.1.2 and Electronic Item 3.1.3 provide detailed project listings. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Air Quality 3.2. Ratification of Emergency Funding Authorization to Dallas Area Rapid Transit for Interim Funding for the Regional Vanpool Program Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Ratification of emergency funding authorization to Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for interim funding for the Regional Vanpool Program until new agreements are fully executed and funding is in place will be requested. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is currently working to expediate a new agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the continuation of the Regional Vanpool Program, which is administered by DART as a subrecipient of NCTCOG. The agreement process was delayed resulting in a gap in funding for DART’s vanpool program until new agreements are fully executed. NCTCOG anticipates all agreement delays will be resolved within 90 days, but interim funding is needed to continue vanpool service. This service is part of the air quality commitments by the Regional Transportation Council to comply with air quality requirements. Staff requests ratification of emergency funding to DART utilizing Regional Transportation Council Local funds in an amount not to exceed $45,000 to ensure continuation of vanpool services for DART participants. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Administrative, Transit
Orientation to Agenda/Director of Transportation Report Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG 1. Fiscal Year 2021 Closeout Comments 2. Review of Latest State Requirements for Regional Transportation Council (RTC) Meetings, James Powell, Deputy Counsel for Transportation, NCTCOG 3. Format of Future RTC Meetings Working with RTC Chair Theresa Daniel 4. Follow Up from RTC Member Orientation 5. D2 Light Rail Update/IH 345 Depressed Alignment (Electronic Item 4.1) 6. Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Facility (Electronic Item 4.2) 7. IH 635/IH 35E “Y” Connector Revenue Tracking 8. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant Opportunities (including “Equal Access to the Internet,” Geometric Design for Autonomous Vehicles, Electric Vehicle Charging on the Move, and Next Generation Transit Signal Preemption) Versus Funding Directly to Cities or New Infrastructure Bill 9. RTC Meeting at the Irving Transportation Summit on August 18, 2022 10. North Texas Center for Mobility Technologies Project Tracking (Electronic Item 4.3) 11. Update Regarding August 2021 and November 2021 Revisions to the 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Statewide TIP (Electronic Item 4.4) 12. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Events ( 13. Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Annual Fleet Recognition (Electronic Item 4.5) 14. Air Quality Funding Opportunities for Vehicles ( 15. Status Report on Ozone (Electronic Item 4.6) 16. Status Report on Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Funding (Electronic Item 4.7) 17. Monthly Know Before You Fly Your Drone Workshops ( 18. August Online Input Opportunity Minutes (Electronic Item 4.8) 19. September Online Input Opportunity Notice (Electronic Item 4.9) 20. Public Comments Report (Electronic Item 4.10) 21. Recent Correspondence (Electronic Item 4.11) 22. Recent News Articles (Electronic Item 4.12) 23. Recent Press Releases (Electronic Item 4.13)
SH 183 Segment 2 East: Request to the Texas Department of Transportation to Formally Initiate a Change Proposal for Cintra and Request to Cintra to Extend an RTC Financial Backstop for Design Costs Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will seek approval for a Regional Transportation Council (RTC) request to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to formally initiate a Change Proposal for Cintra on SH 183 Segment 2E and request to Cintra to extend an RTC financial backstop for design costs. Background: Staff has been working to advance SH 183 Segment 2E as the next phase of the North Tarrant Express (NTE). Cintra has an interest in certain capacity improvements to Segment 2E as a changer order under the Comprehensive Development Agreement for the NTE. In June 2020, the RTC approved a $3 million financial backstop to permit Cintra to proceed with the design elements for Segment 2E, pending TxDOT formally issuing a “Request for Change Proposal.” If TxDOT does not issue a Request for Change Proposal by August 31, 2021, the RTC financial backstop will be triggered absent an extension by Cintra. A map and latest financial information for the project is provided in Electronic Item 5. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Safety
2021 Population Estimates and New North Central Texas Council of Governments Demographic Forecast Process Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Dan Kessler, NCTCOG Item Summary: Results of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) 2021 Current Population Estimates will be highlighted as well as ongoing efforts to develop revised 2045 Population and Employment for the Metropolitan Area. Background: NCTCOG annually develops estimates of population by city as of January 1 for each year which are used by local governments and agencies. This data supplements estimates done by the US Census. NCTOG is also currently developing new forecasts of demographic activity out to the year 2045, which will be used to support the ongoing update of Mobility 2045: the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas. A summary of these estimates and forecasts will be provided. Additional information is provided in Electronic Item 6. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Comprehensive Map of Projects in the Region and Update on the 2022 Unified Transportation Program Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 10 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide information on active and recently completed transportation projects across the region and the latest status of the 2022 Unified Transportation Program (UTP). Background: In response to a request from a Council member, a series of maps that show all active projects in the region, as well as those that have been completed within the past five years, will be presented. An update on the 2022 UTP will also be provided. These maps, along with additional information about resources available to the public for viewing projects throughout the region and the UTP, are available in Electronic 7.1. Electronic 7.2 contains the project listings from the 2022 UTP for the Texas Department of Transportation Dallas, Fort Worth, and Paris (Hunt County) districts. A more detailed update to the 10-Year Plan based on the 2022 UTP listings will be provided at a future meeting. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
Metropolitan Transportation Plan: Project Selection Overview and Implications for New Passenger Rail Projects in a Post-COVID-19 Environment Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 20 Presenters: Brendon Wheeler and Michael Morris, NCTCOG Item Summary: Mobility 2045 was adopted by the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) on June 14, 2018. As part of updating Mobility 2045, staff will provide an overview of the process for projects to be included in the plan, and once selected, the various pathways to funding through prioritization efforts. Background: Following RTC adoption of Mobility 2045, staff and partner agencies have been working toward implementing the plan. These efforts include planning and project development tasks, projects in construction, and coordination with the public and our transportation partners. Federal guidelines require the Dallas-Fort Worth region to update the long-range transportation plan a minimum of every four years. In addition, the Mobility 2045 Update must demonstrate transportation conformity. The updated plan will include a new financial plan and necessary refinements to projects in the current Mobility 2045 plan. Staff will discuss the possible staging of future passenger rail projects as part of the air quality and transportation conformity process. This topic is timely due to upcoming decisions related to the D2 Dallas Area Rapid Transit rail line. Transportation policy officials in the region should consider recent transit ridership trends, recent demographic trends (as discussed in Item 6), new national legislation anticipated by the end of the month, and next generation traffic signal improvements aiding roadway bus operations. During the RTC meeting on July 14, 2021, staff was asked to provide an overview of the plan update process so new members can understand how projects are selected for Mobility 2045. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Transit
US 75 Implementation/Policy Position Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Dan Lamers, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the US 75 corridor implementation and policy position. Background: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in partnership with local jurisdictions and the North Central Texas Council of Governments, has been working to determine an option for the traditional high-occupant vehicle (HOV) lane along the US 75 corridor. TxDOT recently received grant funding to implement a pilot project on the corridor to evaluate the effectiveness of allowing single-occupant vehicles to utilize the HOV lane while providing an incentive to HOVs. The HOV incentive would be provided via the existing GoCarma application that is currently utilized on the TEXpress Lanes. Staff will provide an overview of the project, schedule and policy positions to support this effort. Additional information can be found in Electronic Item 9. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Air Quality, Congestion
Update Regarding Lapsing Federal Funding Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Christie Gotti, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will brief the Council on the lapse of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funds in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 and the potential lapse of Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) funds that was discussed with the Council earlier in the year. Background: In April 2021, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) informed the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) that $23,940,109 of CMAQ funding had lapsed at the end of FY2020. At the time, NCTCOG was under the impression that $16 million in carryover funds were available from FY2020 for obligation in FY2021. Staff will brief the Council on discussions that have occurred with TxDOT since that time and implications to the region moving forward. Earlier in the year, TxDOT indicated that $7,095,497 in TASA funds were at risk of lapsing if not obligated by August 31, 2021. Through the efforts of TxDOT and awardees, sufficient funding was obligated to avoid a lapse in FY2021. The risk continues for FY2022, so project tracking efforts will continue. Additional information is available in Electronic Item 10. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
State and Federal Legislative Update Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Rebekah Hernandez, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on State and federal legislative actions related to transportation and air quality issues affecting the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Legislative actions to be covered include the following: • Summary of Approved Bills in the 87th Texas Legislature (Electronic Item 11) • Update on Special Session of the Texas Legislature • Federal Infrastructure Bill Update Background: This item will allow staff to provide updates on key positions of the Regional Transportation Council. The regular session of the 87th Texas Legislature concluded on May 31, 2021, and was followed by two special legislative sessions called by the Governor. The 117th US Congress convened on January 3, 2021, and continues to make progress on an infrastructure bill. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: Roadway, Air Quality
12. Status Report on Electric Vehicles and National Drive Electric Week Action Possible Action Information Minutes: 5 Presenter: Lori Clark, NCTCOG Item Summary: Staff will provide an update on the status of the electric vehicle (EV) industry, as well as adoption in North Texas. Upcoming National Drive Electric Week (NDEW) events will also be highlighted. Background: The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) continues to encourage EV adoption as a strategy to improve local air quality by reducing transportation system emissions. As the industry matures, availability and adoption of this technology continues to grow in both the passenger vehicle and heavy-duty sectors. Staff has also begun planning National Drive Electric Week activities, including both in-person and virtual opportunities for consumers and fleets to learn more about current options. NDEW is between September 25- October 3, 2021. Additional details are available in Electronic Item 12. Performance Measure(s) Addressed: 15 Future Agenda Items: This item provides an opportunity for members to bring items of future interest before the Council.